Changing page template listings

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Is there some way I can globally change the Page Template in all my listings? There are some 400 so doing it manually will be time consuming. I imagine it could be done with a sql command but I am unsure on syntax. Can you help?
Currently it is set to full but I need it to change to full_staff

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Phil,

We're going to need to do some checking on what could be done to change the page template on all your listings. We'll get back to you with some additional information.


Informatics, Inc.
InformaticsInc replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello again Phil,

The ability to globally change the page template sounds interesting, but at this time I’m afraid it’s beyond the current functionality of Staff Directory. Being open source you are free to customize our code to get your desired functionality but we don't have instructions at this time. We will keep your idea in mind for future enhancements to the module.

Thanks again,

Informatics Inc.

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