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I love this add-on but am having an issue with the categories feature. Categories can be created (first attachment) but not selected (second attachment).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

2 Attachments

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
c5studio replied on at Permalink Reply
I reviewed the code and tested it locally to see if I could replicate the issue. But judging from the pictures, it looks like there is some css from the theme that is interfering with the layout of the checkboxes.
msanderson replied on at Permalink Reply
could it be because Studio Testimonials and Studio Testimonials Pro are both installed on this site?
c5studio replied on at Permalink Reply
That's not likely the issue. I checked out the site and I found that your theme has the following css rule which seems to be causing the issue:
.ui-dialog  label, #ccm-core-commerce-checkout-form-billing label { display: inline; }

So you can either remove that css from your theme, or probably easier would to add some css to override those styles. For example, if you add the following css to your site, it should work:
#category-options label{ display: block; }
msanderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for getting back to me.

I tried commenting out...

.ui-dialog  label, #ccm-core-commerce-checkout-form-billing label { display: inline; }

...but that did not fix the issue.

When you say "add the following css to your site", to what file should it be added?

#category-options label{ display: block; }

Thank you,
c5studio replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure where you commented out the css, because I still see that
line when I look at the source code for the site. As far as adding the
new css, you can add it anywhere to your theme, probably the easiest
would be to add it to typography.css

On 2015-06-04 9:14 AM, concrete5 Community wrote:
msanderson replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for prompt response. Your support is excellent.

I added the line you suggested to typography.css. That fixed the issue.

Thank you very much. I love this add-on.

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