Grid Framework

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Hi Ramon

on the part “Grid Framework” with choice "other" and I have already performed the instructions found at this link ( this would should work ok ?

I wanted to use the for the theme if possible.

Many thanks

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ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rob,

If you have a grid framework that is not part of the core, you can choose the "Other..." option for the "Grid Framework" value. Then you can enter a "Grid Framework Handle" field, where you input the "handle" of the framework you create. This handle can be found in your grid class, and is this variable:

protected $pThemeGridFrameworkHandle = 'foundation';

So for this example you enter:


In the field "Grid Framework Handle". Of course, be sure to have this framework installed/working, otherwise the theme won't be able to use the/a framework.

Does that answer your questions?

Kind regards,

Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ramon

Thanks yes .. so places the protected $pThemeGridFrameworkHandle = 'customgrid'; into the page_theme.php.

I am trying to get the other part to work first but having difficulties :)

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Rob,

Sorry, that ain't true what I said - only partially. You can place that variable in your page_theme.php file indeed. That is true. But if you choose a framework within Theme Designer, it will do it for you. No need for you to do that yourself of course.

But in order to know your grid framework handle, you'd have to take a look at the filename. For example this file:


This "Bootstrap2.php" filename, means your handle is "bootstrap2". There are other files in this same directory, just lowercase the filename and you're done. So for example "MyGridFramework" would result in 'mygridframework' as handle.

Did you already create the grid framework? I'm assuming it's rather difficult if you've never done this before.

Are you using Theme Designer already and did you have any problems (besides entering the grid framework)?

Kind regards,

Responsive replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Ramon

Did you already create the grid framework?
It would seem these instructions ( ) do not work for V8 so not quite there yet, will try with v7.

Are you using Theme Designer already and did you have any problems (besides entering the grid framework)?
Not yet want to get the framework working before using the theme designer.

Thanks for your help so far

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