Twitter App Access Name

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I did read this before I installed:

When a user is asked by Twitter to allow the App access to their Twitter account, the App name presented by Twitter to the user is 'Log - In'. This has changed from 'Concrete5 Login' by request.

And indeed it does say Log - In for the app name
AND it say this right below it:
Log - In
By Surefyre Design
A Concrete5 addon to allow login by Twitter

Now if I were logging into and it said anything other than the website I would NOT move forward.

Is there a way to remove that and some where add in the website name? At the very least let users choose to add some text.

Not much use in it for me if it doesn't look secure from the outside..looks like a hijack to me right now. There needs to be some form of recognition that you are indeed logging into the website you click on to approve.

But nice looking app beside that.

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surefyre replied on at Permalink Reply
That is controlled entirely by Twitter, there's no way to change it as when
that message is displayed you're on the Twitter site

A future version may possibly allow for entering your own Twitter app OAuth
credentials but this hasn't been investigated yet so isn't guaranteed to
come about.

You can of course override
the /packages/twitter_login/models/libtweeter.php file in the normal
Concrete5 way, I should imagine, providing your own OAUth strings in the
variables near the top of the script. Not tried it myself but I don't see
why that shouldn't work unless you can't override package models for some


On 23 December 2011 03:43, concrete5 Community

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