Installing in a theme

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I just bought your menu block, and its great!

I'd like to install it in my site's theme, but I don't know the variables used for all the settings.

Can you provide the code needed to install this block in my theme?


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appliculture replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm also really interested to know how to embed it in a template.

Anyone can help ?

Thanks in advance
c5studio replied on at Permalink Reply

This block was not designed to be installed directly into a theme, but you can add a block to your theme by first adding it to the scrapbook, and then you can use the following code to display it in your theme:

$block = Block::getByName('Scrapbook Block Name');
appliculture replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the answer. I did it this way and it's working.

One issue remaining, make the custom css working.. It's apparently not working when the block is in the global scrapbook...
c5studio replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you mean the custom classes for the block or concrete5's "Design" css interface?

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