Border around the image

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Hi :-) I bought the plugin but when I place my image, it comes with a border with padding.
Perhaps this was made as a design but I need to remove the border and padding, otherwise, I will not be able to use it, is there a way to fix that on the plugin itself, I dont see a frame option, or could I do an update in the code. I like to use webp and also wanted to ask how come I can not use PNG's, rather than JPG's
that is just a question of curiosity

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello 3DA,
Thanks for purchasing. Have updated package to accept .jpg or .png files and option to have padding. The border is grey by default, if want the border invisible change the colour to match your page background.

Hope that's okay.

Thanks again
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
All looks good now, can I close this ticket?


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