Blog displaying twice in different columns / comments not available on blog page

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Not sure whats going on, and would very much appreciate some help. I have my blog at
in the main section I have it set to display the most current entry. in the right column I have it set to show excerpts for the last 10 entries. So far thats working fine, but if you click on any of the blog titles to go to the url for that bloag post it displays the full post in the right column and the middle column. If I try to edit the page via C5 it brings me back to the blog index.

For example the newest blog post is

the blog displays fine at, but if you follow the link it shows up twice.

also is it possible to have the option to comment, and share on the main wp block, right now these options are only visible if you go to that blog url, but not available at

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elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately, both the add-ons are picking up the variables that trigger the WordPress entries block to show details, show only a certain category, etc.

If the excerpts are on a different page it will be fine. For now, you might be able to get away with an RSS block to display it on the same page, or you might be able to disable this behavior using a custom template.

If I have a chance to update the block soon, I'll see about adding an option to fix this behavior. I'm sorry about the trouble!

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