Can only use template properties once? %TITLE% %URL%

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I'm am trying to make adjustments to the default template. I would like to reuse template properties in the 'post' template. As soon as I try to use a property a second time, I get only a rendering of the property literal. So adding a second reference to the post URL using %URL%, actually outputs "%URL%" instead of the post's url.

My end goal is to add social sharing buttons to the bottom of posts (I've tried a bazillion WP social plugins all of which either do not render in the c5 blog or render only partially, or in preview only). To do this, I think I can use iframe versions of the social buttons, but they require the URL of the post in order to work.

Any help would be appreciated.

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brotherhutch replied on at Permalink Reply
I found the solution in ajax.php:

The JS replace() was only replacing a single instance of "%URL%" instead of a global replace using regex /%URL%/g. I changed these lines to make the fix (fixing %TITLE% while I'm at it):
480 innerHTML = innerHTML.replace (/%URL%/g, permalink);
481 innerHTML = innerHTML.replace (/%TITLE%/g, post['title']);

from the original:
480 innerHTML = innerHTML.replace ("%URL%", permalink);
481 innerHTML = innerHTML.replace ("%TITLE%", post['title']);

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