Wordpress blog... bad for SEO?

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I've just installed Wordpress and the add-on from the marketplace. I wasn't entirely sure how it would work, but now I can see that basically you have the blog running in the background and then when you place the Wordpress blocks on your desired page, it imports the content.

My concern with this is that it's duplicate content, and this is something the search engines frown upon.

Is there a way of 'hiding' the original blog from:
a) the public incase someone accidently stumble upon it
b) the search engines

Many thanks

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elyon replied on at Permalink Reply

There's a section in the Documentation that talks about this.

Go to the WordPress Dashboard, then go to Appearance > Editor > Header.

At the very top, you should be able to add a small script to redirect traffic to Concrete5:

    if (empty ($_GET['json'])) {
        $path = str_replace ("/blog2", "/blog", $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
        Header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); 
        Header("Location: " . $path); 

This works well with search engines, because it uses the 301 "Moved Permanently" code, so crawlers will update references to point to your Concrete5 blog instead.

Depending on where you have your WordPress blog, and where the blog will be in Concrete, you can modify the above script, so it replaces addresses like "/wordpress/2012/05/my-sample-post" with "/blog/2012/05/my-sample-post"
lou28 replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect, thanks Elyon
emsconcrete replied on at Permalink Reply

If I go into my Wordpress Settings > Privacy and click on "Do not let search engines index", would that carry over to the posts in concrete?

I'm thinking if that works to keep duplicate content from search engines, so that only the posts in concrete get indexed, wouldn't that be a better way, rather than editing wordpress' files?

elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Nope, I don't think so.
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
However, if you allow it to index, but set up the "Moved Permanently" redirect, it should probably help direct more search results to your pages in Concrete
emsconcrete replied on at Permalink Reply

My only problem with this solution is that in the event of a Wordpress upgrade, wouldn't your added code to the Header get deleted?

George Gabrelian

Tel: 1.818.760.9112

-----Original Message-----
From: concrete5 Community [mailto:discussions@concretecms.com]
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 7:09 PM
To: george@e-ms.com
Subject: Wordpress blog... bad for SEO? : Forums

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