Wordpress for Concrete - Additional Features

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I just installed the wordpress for concrete5 plug-in. It seems very useful, but I have a few questions if anyone can help.

1.) Is it possible to install wordpress plug-ins and work in concrete5? So far, I have been unsuccessful in adding word-press features to my posts. Example: Rating-Widget Plugin

2.) Is it possible to change <Older Post, Newer Post> to pagination?
Example: <1, 2, 3, 4>

Here is where I installed wordpress for concrete:



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elyon replied on at Permalink Reply

Yes, you can definitely install WordPress plugins. Truth be told, the only plugin anyone has tried to use that I couldn't get to work was a rating widget. Sorry about that. The one he was using wants to do direct database manipulation, etc, which didn't jive well with the whole AJAX approach.

Other plugins, though, which work on the backend (like cross-posting to Twitter and Facebook) or which add new kinds of content in the post (like code highlighting, embedded Flash content, etc) have all worked fine for me.

You can change the rendering for older post and newer post, but if you wanted to adjust it further, you'd have to go beyond the standard templating system. This is completely possible, but makes it harder to upgrade the add-on in the future.
cavidano1 replied on at Permalink Reply

Thanks for your fast response. I am in need of adding pagination like the wp-page navi. I understand it goes deeper than the template system, and am willing to take that risk. I hope you can point me in the right direction. The Older Post Newer Post links are not very user-friendly.

If this is no possible I may need to revert to using c5 instead of the block. In which case, is it possible for a refund?

elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
The add-on now supports custom pagination. I've sent you a message with more details, and also updated the documentation page.

Have a great day!

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