WP Plugins

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I am trying to add a share-this wp plugin to my blog. I have had little to no luck rendering WordPress add-ons through WordPress for Concrete5. I was wondering if anyone else has been successful rendering such add-ons through this packace? I am I missing something or is it not possible to use add-ons with WP for C5?


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elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
I know someone who is using this plugin, which appears to work fine:


There are at least three different kinds of plugins for WordPress -- plugins that work on the back-end (like cross-posting to Twitter or Facebook automatically), plugins that work on the content of your blog entries (like code highlighting, embedding Flash content, or many social plugins) or on the front-end of the site (like some social plugins, "featured" post scrollers, etc)

When you use the WordPress for Concrete5 add-on, the back-end and the blog content are preserved, but the front-end is Concrete instead of WordPress. That's why you don't need a separate theme, and why it blends into your Concrete site.

Sometimes to use an add-on which modifies the post content, you need to also include an extra Javascript or CSS file in Concrete to make it work. Many plugins embed the JS or CSS into the blog post directly, but others put them into the WordPress header, which the add-on isn't able to read right now.

This is a very common feature, though. Disqus does provide some share features, but if it is difficult to include a WordPress plugin to share posts than I would be interested to learn more about what functionality you need, so I can look at integrating it

On Mon, 16 Jan 2012 06:25:47 -0800, concrete5 Community <discussions@concretecms.com> wrote:
nychuskies replied on at Permalink Reply
I was trying to add this same addon myself because I need something that will allow people to share news posts to facebook/twitter/whatever but this addon seems to be no good. ANy help?

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