Putting it here :)

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Hi; moved this part of the question here; recon it looks a bit strange if I keep it in the reviews area, sorry about that....

Two questions; grid; it's not showing; what do I do wrong ??

Can I someway or another enlarge it to fullscreen ( like the 'background; cover' or something like that in CSS I believe ) where it alway scales out to max width or height, whatever is the most filling so that it's always a full screen of the video; that would be awesome;

my site is pimvdbroek.nl ;

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

I'm currently looking into this. I'll get back to you shortly.

jb1 replied on at Permalink Reply

We've already fixed the raster effect. Kindly upgrade your copy to the latest version. Regarding the background cover it is already set to cover but since youtube has already set the size of the video the footage will not stretch but instead it will create a letterbox for you. However, we do offer paid customisation @ $90/hr and I'm guessing this will take around 3 hours. Just let me know if you want to proceed.

pim75 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi jb1;

thanks for your effort to look into this; 270$ is too much for me for this custimization, because it's rather a detail.

Greetings, Pim.

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Warning: set_time_limit(): Cannot set time limit in safe mode in /var/www/domains/pimvdbroek.nl/www/concrete/core/controllers/single_pages/dashboard/system/environment/info.php on line 12
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Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; rv:37.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/37.0

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