about the responsive menu

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I have installed the theme in a temporary serverwww.www.mywebdezigner.com/catering....

When I load the site from my ipad the menu is not converting to sandwich. Can you please tell me how can I fix that? Also in this link the page will not end but will keep scrolling after 1366 px.

Can you please advise?

Also I cannot find the CTA buttons.

Thank you in advance for your time and support.


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
longki replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alexandros,

will take a look on this and will update you with a solution.
For the CTA button.
Just use content block.
follow the instruction in the documentation(bottom part).

ziniatis replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello again.

Please tell me about the sandwich menu.

thank you
ziniatis replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello again.

Please tell me about the sandwich menu.

thank you
ziniatis replied on at Permalink Reply
Also another annoying issue is that I add layout and the layout disapears.

I am really upset, because I am buying themes from concrete and many times I have problems for something that is meant to work from day 0.

Now, I am waiting for you to fix the menu bug, and I will wait probably another week for you to tell me why the layouts are not working.

And I am wondering, do you test your products before you put it for sale?

Is there a way to create my layouts? Am I missing something here?

longki replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Alexandros,

Sorry for the delay on the menu.

Regarding on the layout the workaround is to add an empty content block to the original area so that the added layout area will be shown.

ziniatis replied on at Permalink Reply
I am sorry. I could not wait for ages. So I got a refund. But I will be glad to buy the theme again in the near future. So what do I exactly do I have to do?

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