Block Issues (Two Blocks). DS FAQ Alternative & DS Multiple Testimonial block Errors

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Hi. I have encountered 2 critical issues with this themes as it relates to the blocks.

1) The DS FAQ Alternative. I am unable to add this block anywhere. When I try to use the block I get a dialog box stating: ERROR. Then in red words: Undefined variable $row. Again I cannot even get into the block to use it due to the above error/reason.

2) The seconds issue has to do with the "DS Multiple Testimonial block." When I try to use the block, it does open. However, I cannot save any input. Whatever words and or images I try to save, I get: Error. Undefined array key 1. Sometimes I get Undefined array key 2.

I hope you can fix the issues with DS FAQ Alternative & DS Multiple Testimonial block as soon as possible. Thank you for your time.

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Status: New
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