Height of image background

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Is there a way to to adjust the height of the image background ?
I would like it to be way less high then it is standard.

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Type: Ticket
Status: In Progress
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi NLS61,

To adjust the height of the banner, you can edit the padding of the banner text by following these steps below:

1. Go to edit mode on the page.
2. Select the gear icon from the top menu bar. Choose "Design".
3. Select "Customize" for the theme you're using.
4. Scroll down to the bottom, where you'll see a “Custom CSS” and click/toggle “Add Custom CSS” and click “Edit CSS” button.
5. After clicking “Edit CSS” button, an empty window will appear and you can add this code:

.big-img-background {
    padding-bottom: 80px !important;
    padding-top: 80px !important;

6. Then close the window and click “Save Style” then apply customizations to “This Page”.
7. After applying the customization do not forget to “Publish Changes” to save the changes you made.

Let me know if this helps.

Best regards,

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