Problems installing theme

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I'm a project manager for web development company, and a client purchased the Equinox template for their website, but we're having issues. My development team was trying to install the theme to 5.7 and keeps getting the following error:

Imagine \ Exception \ InvalidArgumentException
File does not exist.


Please advise how to fix this error and get a full install.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

Can you please confirm the exact error message you are receiving? You have posted here saying you have received a different error than the one posted here.

Also, could you confirm the username of the purchaser who holds the license please?

This will help us to deal with your support ticket.

Please note we have not seen the issue locally. We have this setup up in a install without issue.

InformaticsRon replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the quick reply! I really appreciate that. As it turns out, that other thread I commented on was from our designer, and I hadn't noticed that. My developer saw the same comment and told me he'd started completely fresh - new database and everything and saw that same error as well.

As far as the one from this post, my network team has approved that I send you the link to our worksite that we've set up, so you'll be able to take a look and see what's going on.

Client's C5 acct name = IALean (original purchase ID: 124021)

Thanks again for your help!
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the link. Looking at the error it refers to the page list block in the footer, which contains some images by default. This error could have occurred if you had deleted some images from the file manager perhaps? I assume you had the sample content installed as per our demo site?

If this was a clean install, then uninstalling the theme package and reinstalling would be a good place to start.
InformaticsRon replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
My developer said he ended up having to comment out a certain area of the content. For your reference, I've attached a screenshot of this area.

Thanks again for your quick replies and help, I greatly appreciate it!
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
That is good news. Looks like something in your environment does not like the self closing <fid/> tag. This is generated by the concrete5 cif exporter and works fine in all the installations I have ever done. Glad you got sorted anyway.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20150713000000

# concrete5 Packages
Equinox (1.0.1).

# concrete5 Overrides
languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES, languages/da_DK, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/de_DE, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/el_GR, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fi_FI, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fr_FR, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES, languages/it_IT, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ja_JP, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/nl_NL, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pl_PL, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pt_BR, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ru_RU, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/sv_SE, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/tr_TR, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/da_DK/LC_MESSAGES, languages/da_DK, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/de_DE, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/el_GR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/el_GR, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fi_FI/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fi_FI, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/fr_FR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/fr_FR, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/it_IT/LC_MESSAGES, languages/it_IT, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ja_JP/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ja_JP, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/nl_NL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/nl_NL, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pl_PL/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pl_PL, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/pt_BR, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/ru_RU/LC_MESSAGES, languages/ru_RU, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES, languages/sv_SE, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES/, languages/tr_TR/LC_MESSAGES, languages/tr_TR

# concrete5 Cache Settings
Block Cache - Off
Overrides Cache - Off
Full Page Caching - Off
Full Page Cache Lifetime - Every 6 hours (default setting).

# Server Software

# Server API

# PHP Version

# PHP Extensions
apache2handler, bz2, calendar, Core, ctype, curl, date, dom, ereg, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, json, libxml, mbstring, mcrypt, mhash, mysql, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, PDO, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, Phar, posix, Reflection, session, SimpleXML, soap, SPL, sqlite3, standard, tidy, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, Zend OPcache, zip, zlib.

# PHP Settings
max_execution_time - 30
log_errors_max_len - 1024
max_file_uploads - 20
max_input_nesting_level - 64
max_input_time - 60
max_input_vars - 1000
memory_limit - 128M
post_max_size - 8M
sql.safe_mode - Off
upload_max_filesize - 10M
mysql.max_links - Unlimited
mysql.max_persistent - Unlimited
mysqli.max_links - Unlimited
mysqli.max_persistent - Unlimited
pcre.backtrack_limit - 1000000
pcre.recursion_limit - 100000
session.cache_limiter - <i>no value</i>
session.gc_maxlifetime - 1440
soap.wsdl_cache_limit - 5
opcache.max_accelerated_files - 2000
opcache.max_file_size - 0
opcache.max_wasted_percentage - 5

Browser User-Agent String

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:40.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/40.0

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