Quick question about spacing

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Hi - wondering where to edit the spacing between blocks, as I think it's a bit hefty gap between banner img and first content block.

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Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
You can change this in the customization options:

Log in
Click the cog/gear
Choose Design
Click Customize
Find the 'main' section and reduce the padding accordingly

ashvin replied on at Permalink Reply


I could not find customization portion.
Can you please navigate how to reach there?
Sunfield replied on at Permalink Reply
ashvin replied on at Permalink Reply

I dont find customize buttom.
Can you please guide where to get the button after logging?
Where is COG/GEAR button?
Sunfield replied on at Permalink Reply
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Sunfield replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. Great customization. love it!
ashvin replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

When I change the design under Customize option, it gives the error as attached.
What is the solution to it?
ashvin replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment

When I change the design under Customize option, it gives the error as attached.
What is the solution to it?

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