Changing main area color

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I need to change the color of the main content area. I'm using an image background (see screenshot: and I'm not seeing an option to edit.

I've tried to color: <div id="ff-main" class="row"> but no luck.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
#ff-main {background: #FFFFFF;}

Have you tried that in your CSS.
mstroz replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Formingo,

Thanks for writing back so quickly.

On the theme customizer it's showing up correctly (screenshot:,... however live it's transparent. If I clear my cache and pull it back up, the white will briefly flash then the bg image to overlays.
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
The body background is actually the entire web page background and not the main area background. I tested the code I sent you and got it to work reliably locally. Has any of the other code been modified?

Could you private message us a URL and log in so we can take a look.
mstroz replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Formingo,
I'm having the same issue with another installation of Foundation 5. Can you tell me what file and the code used to fix this in the other site?

Also, please tell me how to edit the bg margin to #fff (screenshot:

formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
The previous answer is on the original ticket here:

You need to either add this to your CSS file or within the 'custom' option within the color editor.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
Background Image (1.0), Cobalt (1.0), Foundation 5 (1.6.0).

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