Flex Video does not show on local server

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i made an install of Foundation5 (great!!) on my local server.
Is it common that the flex video does not show within local install? I just see an empty block with just a Title..
Thanks for any reply, Mieke

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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi there,

It is hard to say without looking at this but my first guess would be that the video URL is incorrect.

For example the one we use on the demo site is:


If you try this and it works then you will need to check your url. It is worth noting that the url must contain 'embed' as above.

This block should work both locally and remotely.

Send us a copy of the URL if you like and I can see if it works.

Hope this helps.

mieke replied on at Permalink Reply
/embed/ did the trick ;^)
Thanks Andy for the quick answer!
Great video by the way..

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