Form box distorted (too small)

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Hi there, thanks so much for the theme. I'm not sure if this question should be directed to you or the ecommerce team?

I've attached a screen shot of the 'Qty' button on the page. Everything else works brilliantly - thanks ; )

Direct link here:

Warm regards,

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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wgergos replied on at Permalink Reply
Apologies it's not the button but the editable box beside the button - it's too small to change and see the quantity for the cart.
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
Looking at the code, the ecommerce package sets a width of 20px on that element, this is not controlled by the theme so you would need to contact the developer of the add-on on this occasion.
wgergos replied on at Permalink Reply
will do, thanks for the reply : )

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