Images in content block not flowing as defined

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I set up a content block with text and a couple of images (i.e. JoinMe icon, photo). The images either flow to the left of the content block or on a separate line from the text. I don't seem to have any control of where they go. I'm used to adding images to the content block, defining alignment, and adding a link and text. This isn't working like it does in other themes. I tried doing a content block with just one image with text, and the image wouldn't align properly.

I checked the html, and there isn't a hidden paragraph return for the images.

Anyone have an idea what I can do to make this work?


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
Whoops, hadn't noticed your post until after, but I am having the same issue. See my later post in the forum. Did you ever find a solution?
webadminfl replied on at Permalink Reply
The only thing I've found that works is to add the <center> and </center> code before and after the image in the content box html section. It's a pain, though, b/c I have a lot of images.

I'm currently trying different lightboxes/image add-ons to try to fix the problem. So far - no luck.
TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
Well great that worked for me, but I am only using 3 images on the home page. Still not a good solution for the client if they need to swap images later. As for you, can't you build a custom template that adds the center command as the images are being dropped in?
TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
Well great that worked for me, but I am only using 3 images on the home page. Still not a good solution for the client if they need to swap images later. As for you, can't you build a custom template that adds the center command as the images are being dropped in?
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
There is actually a really easy solution to this.

Click the image block in edit mode and select design - choose alignment center. The final thing is to either remove some code from the main.css...

.ff-wrapper img {
    display: block;

Or add this to your own custom stylesheet...
.ff-wrapper img {
    display: inline;

Effectively it is the img tag being set as block that stops it working in the first place.
webadminfl replied on at Permalink Reply
The design function does not work for the images on my pages. If there is text in the block, it centers, but the image does not. I will try editing the css. Thanks!
TeKnoZiz replied on at Permalink Reply
I concur with webadminfl I have tried the design option and it doesn't work. I will also check out your other options. Thanks!

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