is there a home page template with a right side bar

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My client would like the home page sidebar on the right, so that on mobile devices, that content displays after the main area. Is there a template choice for that? I use the sidebar on other pages, but it doesn't work for the home page. Thanks!

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
You should just use the right sidebar page type. All page types should work on all pages.
webadminfl replied on at Permalink Reply
I must have tried changing that home page at least 3 times, and each time it added the title bar and breadcrumbs. I did it today, and it worked fine. User error. ha. Thanks for prompt reply!

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Extended Form (2.7.3), Foundation 5 (1.6.0), Vimeo Player (1.0.6).

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