One Testimonial Per Row

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I'm using the Simple Testimonial block, got the error in the code fixed, but am not thrilled with how it's floating the blocks so that I get more than one testimonial on the same row, on larger screens. See:

I tried disabling the float lefts on the wrapper and the blockquote but that messes up the author text. I'm not particularly advanced with CSS, so wondering if there's an easy way to get these to display on separate rows?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
This block does not span 100% of the parent div by default.

You could add a html block after each testimonial with a clearing div so each testimonial sits on its own line... in a HTML block add...
<div class="clear"></div>

That will clear all testimonials.

mjsminkey replied on at Permalink Reply
I was hoping to find a solution that was a little easier for my client to handle, since they will be adding new ones to the page in the future.
formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
If you want something that will be easier for a client to handle then you are going to have to edit the package files - not something we usually recommend but if this is essential to your site...
If you open this file...

Simply change...
.ff-testimonial-wrap {
   float: left;

.ff-testimonial-wrap {
   float: left;
   width: 100%;

That should do it ;)
mjsminkey replied on at Permalink Reply
Great, thanks, arrggh, I should have been able to figure that one out myself (the width: 100%). Fairly sure that I tried that at some point but on the wrong block, as what I was getting was the quotes being out to the margins as well. This is definitely what I was looking for.

Rather than update the package files though, I just added that additional style to the header of my page, which works just as well without messing with the files.

Thanks for the help!

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