Search Custom template for main nav

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Can you explain the use of the custom template for the search block that looks like it can be use within the main nav section? It is labeled "Ff Nav Search" but I am unsure how to implement it. I would like the option of having the search in the top section of the page if this is possible.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
You can add a search block to the navigation by:

Adding a new stack
Add a search block to the stack
Change the custom template to 'ff_nav_search'
Give it the name of 'Nav_Search_Block'
Approve changes.
shondy replied on at Permalink Reply
I am sorry but I am unable to get a good result based on your steps. Am I creating a stack with an autonav and search block? Which comes first? Either way when i do this the result is a very long search area either above or below the autonav.

I am using the custom template "ff_nav_search" on the search block and "top_bar_tall" on the main navigation block.

Is there something else I should be doing?

Also. do you have an example of this that I could see? I am not seeing this on your live preview page for the template nor is it on any of the showcase site that use this theme.

formigo replied on at Permalink Reply
You don't add a stack with an auto nav in, just the search block as per the steps above.

The block once it has been named as per the instructions will appear in the top bar navigation.

Follow the steps above and it will work.

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