How to make the banner/slider images look better on mobiles

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I love this theme but I have had a lot of problems with the image slider in the header. The client was complaining that on mobile phones the photos did not look mobile friendly and I had to agree - where most image sliders resize with their aspect ratio intact on the Framework theme they are background images so are cropped from left and right. This means that unless you are very clever with your photo choices you get an unattractive segment to view on phone screens.

After much thought and playing around I have finally found a solution!

Paste this code into the Design > Custom CSS area:

@media only screen and (max-width: 500px) { .master-container #banner .bancontcenter .rslides>li {
    height: 250px!important;
    width: 100%;
    margin-top: 120px!important;
.innerpage #banner {
  height: 320px!important;

The margin top is because at a smaller height the photos are mostly hidden behind the top header area so I added it to push the images below it. You lose that nice transparent look but that's a small price to pay!

You might need to play around with the heights and margin-top etc to get it to work with your site. This also gets rid of the expanse of space below the images so it looks really neat.

I have noticed that a few people have asked about this topic so I really hope this helps someone!


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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ppisoban replied on at Permalink Reply
I also wanted to add that I have another post on this subject - I already added some code to my Custom CSS which might also be required to make this work!

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Version: 10.3.38-MariaDB-log-cll-lve

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Framework Theme (1.7.9), Mega Menu (1.6.4), Simple Gallery (1.0.9)

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