Bug : Theme conflicts with other Javascript and CSS

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This are my website pages link and I am using Fruitful theme. I am using "Translate this" plugin to translate website in other languages.

When I hover on the translate button, language section is shown 50 pixels below instead of adjacent to it.

The same thing happens when I use google translate widget on my page. And in Google translate it affects in Edit Mode. I can not click on any block after adding Google translate widget.
Link of Google Translate widget button :

I have customized the theme, but I have checked this thing on original theme,
And still have the same issue.

It looks like Theme CSS or JavaScript is conflicting with Plugin CSS and JS.
Here is the link of translate this Widget :

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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srjahir32 replied on at Permalink Reply
I found that this issues is because of hidden search are at top of the site.
Translate this button starts calculating height from the search menu. That why its showing language section below it instead of adjacent to it.
But how to solve this issue is still a question.

Pls help me,

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# concrete5 Version
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# concrete5 Overrides
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