Font colors on home page won't change

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On the home page of in the lead area I can't get the type color to behave. The middle headline won't change. The paragraph only changes sometimes. Very frustrating. Any ideas?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
gewald replied on at Permalink Reply
I switched into html view and manually added the code to the middle headline, but the menu selection for color wasn't working. I picked black but it kept appearing (and disappearing into the background) in red.
gewald replied on at Permalink Reply
Lightning fast support?
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi sorry we don't think had a notification of this one by email. Could you provide us with some more details of exactly what problem you are having and we will try to do the needful. Once again apologies we missed it - however that happened.
gewald replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. It does happen. Maybe since I didn't have my environment info handy and I posted it as a sales question.

Take a look at

In the area at the top of the page is says this:

Say goodbye to daily, weekly, monthly injections
Sustained Release is developing the biggest advancement in administering medications since the introduction of polymer based time release formulas. Our patented technology will enable medications to be delivered consistently and accurately by an injection that lasts up to a year initially for Type II Diabetes, Prostate and Breast Cancer, and Pain Management.

The part in all caps is white which can't be changed in the edit box, but the rest of it was changed to other colors but wouldn't change on screen. The middle headline I had to format in html.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
If we understand your issue correctly - I believe what you are describing is a concrete5 bug with the redactor text editor. For example; if you add a core content block to the site and have 2 different heading in the same block, you will be unable to change the color for some reason. This is not theme specific unfortunately.

gewald replied on at Permalink Reply
And thanks for the quick reply to my teasing note.

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