Fundamental Theme - Bootstrap Compatible?

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I am trying to get Bootstrap Blocks to work in this theme. When attempting to use the icons, I get grey squares instead, and one of the questions from that author was to know whether the theme I am using (Fundamental) is Bootstrap 3 compatible. Would you please let me know? My thanks!

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
This theme is built on top of ‘Foundation’ and not ‘Bootstrap’.

Any third party block you are using should provide the necessary styles you need and not rely on the theme.
davidmknoble replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! Makes sense. I tested the blocks and it appears that most work as expected... I'll look again at their website and make sure everything really is compatible. Love the theme...
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.

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