Google Fonts - How to Enable for Some Links and Not Others

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Thank you for the great template, I am a beginner for the most part it has been easy to use.

I am getting frustrated with a couple of things though and would love to resolve them. The first is that we really like using Google Fonts for headings and navigation, it really works, but as soon as I try to create a link from any heading the Google Font disappears and the link font replaces it which ruins the page style we are trying to create. I would like to replace ALL link fonts to use whatever default is in place for the particular typography we're using - Google Font for headings, sans serif for paragraph text, etc. Is there any way to do this?

Thanks ahead of time for any help that we can have with this (while I still have any hair I haven't pulled out yet).

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Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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YogaLodge replied on at Permalink Reply
I figured it out, I added
style="font-family: 'Buda', cursive;"
to the
a href
tag and that over-rode the default styles.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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