Link with no page

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It would be really useful to have an item or page that appears on the nav but does not have a linked page. For example I am currently producing a Covid-19 information site for residents in my borough in London. There is lots of stuff from central government, the local council and health service which needs to be linked to but as it stands I have to have a page with blather on it and then a bunch of sub pages. Just having a heading in the nav would be so much easier.

I have used this ages ago, might have been a version of Superfish so it ought to be possible.

If anyone wants to have a look at the site it is: (it's currently behind an under construction page)

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Status: Archived
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you not just talking about an external link?
wildfirelondon replied on at Permalink Reply
No, I framed the question rather badly, its a page with no link so I could have a heading of Central Goverment and then a series of links below that such as advice for visa applicants, vehicle testing, foreign office etc. If you have a look at how the site is now you will see what I mean.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, I think I know what you mean..

There should be a page attribute 'Replace Link With First In Nav' which you set on the top level link. That way, when someone clicks it, it simply goes to the first sub page beneath.

You then don't need content on that top level page.
wildfirelondon replied on at Permalink Reply
Sadly that attribute doesn't exist (or I am being a numpty)
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
If it does not already existing then you can easily add it.

Go to page attributes and add a new 'checkbox' attribute. Details as below:

handle: replace_link_with_first_in_nav
name: Replace Link With First In Nav

You can then use this on the page.
wildfirelondon replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry but checkbox attribute doesn't exist either. Guess I am going to just handle it the dirty way.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
The page checkbox attribute is a built in concrete5 attribute that is built in to concrete5.

Go to your 'page attribute' page - /dashboard/pages/attributes and at the bottom, select 'checkbox' and then click 'Go'. You can then add a new one. If you can not see checkbox in the list, look for boolean.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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