resize menu font and make slider height smaller

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1.The site i am creating for a customer has now a little too many menu links and has forced menu to flip around below.
What is the correct way to make the font smaller just for the menu items?

2. The customer wants a infinite scroll, ie, images (9 so far) to scroll from the left constantly, not to be click able.
I have found other ways to achieve this via html and css, but have opted to use the image slider instead. and it works.
What is best to reduce the height os the image slider down? or is it better to add html and customer inline css to make the infinite slider work only on home page.

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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davetl replied on at Permalink Reply
I have sorted 1. out by changing font sizes in customize site - all it needed was for me to look a little harder. squinty Mc squint!!!

but still want slider help if you guys can offer guidance to a how too!!
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
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