Sticky Autonav block in Sitewide Header Nav Alt - jumps to left

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My website is using an Autonav block with topbar_logo in the Sitewide Header Nav Alt area.

When one scrolls down such that the Header area 'sticks', the AutoNav block jumps a few pixels to the left - returning back if one scrolls back up, unsticking the Header area.

I've not been able to work out why this is occurring and how to avoid it doing so, the website is at:

Please could you advise how to resolve.

Type: Ticket
Status: Archived
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
I've just gone to your site and it looks like you're not using the 'sticky' navigation. If you can show us an example of what your issue is then we can take a look.
pagowines replied on at Permalink Reply

I had temporarily turned off sticky navigation due to the issue - I've now
reenabled so you can view the issue.

c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Please ensure you're using the 'Top Bar' autonav custom template and that the 'Sticky' is enabeld via the theme options page.

Please also make sure the auotonav is in the correct area of 'Sitewide Header Nav' and that there is not any additional 'grid' structure around this. i.e. 'Enable Grid Container is not enabled.
pagowines replied on at Permalink Reply

I wasn't using the 'Top Bar' Autonav Custom template - now corrected but
not resolved the issue. Should the 'Top Bar Sticky' Autonav custom template
not be selected?

Also the AUtonav is in the 'Sitewide Header Nav Alt Area' - is this ok, or
must it be the vanilla 'Sitewide Header Nav Area'?

Thanks, Sam
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
It must be as described in my previous message. The 'Top Bar' custom template must be used with 'sticky' option selected from the dashboard options page. The 'Top Bar Sticky' custom template was depreceated some time ago.

You MUST place the navigation in the correct area as you will end up with additional HTML wrapped around it if you don't - hence you issue.
pagowines replied on at Permalink Reply
Excellent, thank you issue now resolved.
ConcreteCMS replied on at Permalink Reply
Attention: Since there has been no activity on this issue for two weeks, this issue has been automatically archived.

To re-open this issue, reply to this message.

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