Sticky Nav Bar won't unstick

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The toggle for the sticky nav bar is no longer working, the option:

When the Top Bar Navigation hits the top of the browser, it will stick to the top as users continue to scroll

When the option is untucked, the bar still moves with the page scroll instead of staying at the top of the page.

Cleared caches, but still persists. Any ideas?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
You say when the sticky option is 'checked', the top bar nav sticks to the top when scrolled and when unchecked it scrolls with the page, unless I have misunderstood your question, this is the intended behaviour.

Could you explain further please?
jmchapman84 replied on at Permalink Reply
My understanding of the option is the when the option is ticked, the navigation bar stay at the top of the browser window while the user scrolls the page, so if the user is at the bottom of the page, the navigation bar has followed them down and its displaying at the top of the browser window.

When the option is unticked, the navigation bar remains at the top of the page and does not follow the user when scrolling. So if the user is at the bottom of the page, they would need to scroll back to the top to see the navigation bar.

Currently on my instance, when the box is ticked or unticked, the navigation bar follows the user when scrolling.
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, that is right. I must have misunderstood your initial post.

My guess is that maybe you do not have the correct autonav template selected... please make sure that the template is 'top bar'.

Failing that, it could be possible that you have a jquery/javascript error on your page... do you have a URL we can look at so we can check please?
jmchapman84 replied on at Permalink Reply
That did it, it was set to top bar sticky in the custom styles in the block itself.

Thanks for you help with this

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