Suggestion for increasing the flexibility of modals

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I really like modal blocks for condensing information, but I feel they are not as flexible as they could be. For example, I may want to use modals to explain information in an image.

I'd like to suggest adding another feature to modals (and any other blocks as applicable). Modals could be linked to from within the page using linking, such as with clicking images or placing it within content.

My suggestion for implementation would be to have the option to embed the modal block somewhere on the page in edit mode (showing the gray square like C5 does with it's video block), but not present anything when published. This hidden block would contain the content, but needs to be linked from within the page to bring up the modal.

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Whilst this is an interesting idea, it seems very specific and a bit of an edge case. Currently adding the modal block, adds a link/button to the page to open the model. in order to place this link elsewhere or even fire programmatically would require the admin to get in to the code which in most cases would not be acceptable.

This theme uses the modal functionality as per - If you look at that code, you could try adding these as HTML blocks and then add your link wherever you desire.
Anticept replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey guys!

I have another suggestion for this then. Ideally, I would like the modal block's "link text" to function more like a content block, and we can insert the link anywhere in that block as we please. In this manner, I can do something like this:

-Rule Regulation etc 1
-Rule Regulation etc 2 (explain) <--- modal link for explaination
-Rule Regulation etc 3

Thanks in advance!
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
To achieve what you are describing would take a considerable amount of development work and would involve building custom plugins for the redactor toolbar. We will consider this when we further develop the theme but is not currently a priority and is a bit edge case to be honest.

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