Blog settings

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So I'm working on a website and it has a blog section. The website itself is in Finnish and I can't seem to find a place where I could change the blog's/blocks settings so I could change "Read more" for example to be in Finnish. Is there a way?

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VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

I have to be honest this is an oversight on our part, these are hardcoded into the template, they are inside a translation tag, so they can be added to a PO file, but I totally get that most people don't want the hassle of dealing with such things, I will add this to our roadmap and get a way to edit these in the next update.

If you are ok editing the themes files I will gladly send you a step by step guide on where to change them so you don't have to wait for an update. Please let me know if you would like some instructions.

Best regards

KeinoOy replied on at Permalink Reply

thank you for the quick response! I would love to have the instructions.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem. Please follow the instructions below to alter the "Read more" sections:

1/ Connect to your site via FTP, and go to the following location:
packages > modena > blocks > page_list > templates

2/ Inside the templates folder you will see the folders that contain the templates for the blog, they are named exactly after the custom templates used to style your blog, which are:


3/ Open up whichever folder corresponds to the custom template you are using, and open up the view.php file inside in your text/code editor.

4/ On or around line 105 you should see this piece of code:

<a href="<?php echo h($url) ?>" target="<?php echo h($target) ?>"><?php echo h("Read this article") ?></a>

Where it says "read this article" replace that with your desired text.

The next piece of code you are looking for is on or around line 158 and looks like this:

<a href="<?php echo h($url) ?>" target="<?php echo h($target) ?>" class="<?php echo h($buttonClasses) ?>"><?php echo h("Read more...") ?></a>

Where it says "Read more..." replace this with your desired text.

5/ Once you are happy with your alterations, save the file(s) back to the exact location you found them.

The above process will change the text on both the overlay of the thumbnail and the text under the blog posts.

I hope that helps, I will get an update done giving non-English sites a bit better way to deal with this. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Best regards

KeinoOy replied on at Permalink Reply
Soooo one more question – Where is the updated doc for for details for "Media queries"? Can't find anything about it in the current doc section nor on the demo site.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

It's in the online docs found here:

The exact section is just under the "Layouts" section:

Best regards

KeinoOy replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm sorry but there is nothing about it, we've been going through the page for several times and the layout section ends with "Your block will now populate the whole width of the screen." and after that continues with Blocks section.
KeinoOy replied on at Permalink Reply
For my co-worker it seems to work, so we'll figure out where the problem is. Might be just a cache glitch.
VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,

I just wanted to let you know there is a new version of Modena out now, in this update it includes 2 new options in the "Blog Settings" page which allow you to add text in place of the "Read more..." at the bottom of the blog posts and also the "Read this article" on the thumbnail overlay.

When you update your site it will overwrite what you have previously hardcoded into the templates, please go to the following location:

Dashboard > Modena Theme Options > Blog Settings

You will see the 2 new options called "Read More Text" and "Read More Text (Overlay)"
enter your new text here and save the settings. these will now be shown in place of the English text that the theme defaulted to.

I hope this helps, any issues please let us know.

Best regards


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