Sticky Menu

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Hi there,

I have two questions that have been annoying me.
First, the "sticky" menu bar is not working at all and also mobile scroll top not working...
With any browser at all.

Second: How can I insert the Logo in the menu bar ?



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c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Those 2 options you mention are for the top bar menu and not the off canvas menu. I assume you are using the matter?

To add the logo please check out the docs here
sintrase replied on at Permalink Reply
I will try the suggestion.
But at the mortar theme options, the "sticky" menu suggests that the menu bar will always be present when scrolling. Or I am understanding it wrong?

What I need to do is to have te menu always present when pages are scrolled. How can I do that with Mortar?

Thanks a lot
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
The 'sticky' option you refer to is for the 'top bar' navigation and not the 'off canvas' navigation which I assume you are using? The off canvas navigation can not be stuck to the top. There are 2 separate options pages, one for each navigation type.
sintrase replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I see I am miss understanding the specific and different functions. I can not find the "top bar navigation". I hope I can get more adapted to the concrete5 platform soon.

I can see the top bar navigation options under mortar theme settings but how can I use a top bar navigation?

The only option I can see at blocks list is "auto nav" that I am using....

I also have some other questions I have been fighting with and I am attaching them with screenshots.

Thanks a lot
sintrase replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you had the chance to see this issues?
Thank you
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
The navigation type can be changed by changing the custom template on the autonav block, this is standard concrete5 stuff and not theme specific. Please refer to the conrete5 documentation here to learn how to complete this task.

In regards to your other question:

1.) The compare version and question mark are part of the conrete5 system and wre not controlled by the theme.

2.) This is the box where the image caption sits. Currently the only way to remove this if you are not using it is to set a custom CSS style. In your design options at th evry bottom in the custom CSS section you can add...
div.orbit-caption {

3) You are using the off-canvas navigation - this is how it works and looks... if yo do not like it then you can change to the topbar navigation as per my first point above.

sintrase replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot...
I now understand that some actions are general concrete5 stuff..

Just one last question:
About "off canvas" is there any way to that you know to make it sticky and add the word MENU on it?

Once again, thanks a lot
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
There are no options to make the off canvas navigation sticky or add the word 'menu' - this may be possible but it would have to be achieved with custom code, which we would not be able to provide or support you with unfortunately.

sintrase replied on at Permalink Reply
OK thank you very much.
If you are wheeling to make that coding as a service please feel free to quote me.

sintrase replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi There,
Did you had the chance to check this request?
I really need to add this to my sites and would prefere to have it made by the original theme developement team.
Clients are pressing me and I will have to contract external developers (I see no reason for that)

Thanks again!
c5hub replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Dan,

This is not something we would be able to help you with I am afraid. The complex nature of an 'off canvas' style navigation really does not lend itself well to a 'sticky' layout.

Hopefully you will be able to find a suitable developer to help you with this - good luck with your project.

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version
Core Version -
Version Installed -
Database Version - 20150504000000

# concrete5 Packages
Call to Action (1.0.0), Mortar (1.0.0), Under Construction (0.9.0).

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# Server API

# PHP Version

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