Edit Profile Account Page Missing

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Not sure if this is a C5 issue, me just not being able to get the settings right or part of the Theme that I am having an issue with?

The only time the Edit Profile Page shows up is in the Menu Bar but only if I have Public Profiles enabled- which I do not want, because I do not want all users to see the directory page. I do have the "show profile when logged in" selected- but this theme has a drop down issue where if child pages are enabled to show up as a drop down menu, the parent page is not available by clicking on it from the menu side. Therefor, when I enable Public Profiles and set the Directory Page Permission to Admin Only, it gives the User a "Page Forbidden" message and they can not get to the Edit Profile Page- only the Admin still can at that point.
I am wondering if there is a way around the unwanted effects of these settings so that the theme will show the edit profile pages on the menu (but without needing the Directory Page being visible to the Users)?

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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jordif replied on at Permalink Reply

not sure I understand, but if you enable "Public Profiles" you should have these new pages in your sitemap:

-> View profile
-> Directory

If you change the permissions of the "Directoy page" (so that only admins can view it), users should still be able to click on "Members" to open the dropdown menu and access the "View profile" page.

If you don't want to enable "Public Profiles", maybe you could try using the "Account Menu" provided by concrete5. You can see this menu working in the Elemental theme (in the footer). Only registered users can see it (not admins or guests).

This menu is not supported by the Neat theme out of the box, but adding it should be pretty easy:

1. Add an HTML block to the "Top Nav Right" area (the area above the main menu).
2. Copy/paste this HTML code:

<span id="ccm-account-menu-container"></span>

3. Finally, add this custom CSS code to position it correctly:

#ccm-account-menu-container #ccm-account-menu {
  top: -7px;

I'll try to add this option in the next version of the theme.

Hope this helps,
w2f replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for this reply. I do not understand the issue myself, I checked and double checked the permissions. I would think that with the Directory Page being below the Profile Page in the site map that it would have at least allowed the user to their profile page, but it doesn't. With the theme, I noticed that when a page is added ( say" About Us") it appears In the main menu navigation. so far so good. but once I add sub pages below that and set those sub pages to appear in the drop down menu, then the first "about us" page is not available - the user can only select a page from the drop down menu, so any info I have on the "about us" page is not accessible. So my way around it, (which is fine) is not to include the sub pages in the navigation. That way the user must first click on the page that they want to go in the main menu tab. Then I have a page list there and a bread crumb. It works good. But not sure if that might be what is conflicting somehow with the Profile Page being accessed with the permissions settings on that one page? All I know at this point is that enabling the Public Profiles to Registered Users and setting the Directory Page to Admin only generates the Page Forbidden message when the user clicks on "Members" in the Main Menu.

Thank you also for the Profile Page code, but I had an issue with that- it only left
" [code] [code]" on the published page. UPDATE: oops. removed the "[code]" but still there is no sign of a Profile link after publishing the page.

I contacted Webli Log In Block (which works nicely on the theme) and am expecting the Profile Page link to be added to it soon.

I think your consideration to add the profile page link option for the Neat Theme in the future would be nice also.

thanks again for the reply and help.

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