showing different images on page header row

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I would like to show an image on the header row of each page. I have been able to show the same image on the header row of all pages by putting this html on the "sideman" stack
<table width="100%"><tr>
<td><img src="/new/index.php/download_file/view_inline/38/" alt="logo_valey.png" width="950" height="166" /></td></tr>
but I don't see how to make a different picture on different pages.
Also there is a big white space around the picture that I can't find a way to remove (att attached screen grab

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Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
To make it so you can enter different images on individual pages, you'll need to change some code in the theme's header.php file (located at packages/theme_officespace/themes/officespace/elements/header.php) to display an editable area instead of the site name. So, look for this:
<div id="logo">
        <?php $stack = Stack::getByName('Site Name');?>
        <a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/" title="<?php echo SITE?>"><?php if($stack) $stack->display(); else echo SITE;?></a>
    </div><!-- logo ends -->

And change it to this:
<div id="logo">
        $a = new Area('Header');
    </div><!-- logo ends -->

For the white space around it, you'll need to adjust the CSS. Add this to the 'Add your CSS' box in the theme's customization panel (Dashboard->Pages and Themes->Themes and click Customize next to OfficeSpace):
#header-top { height:13px; }
#header { padding: 0 10px; width: 980px; }

concrete5 Environment Information

# concrete5 Version

# concrete5 Packages
OfficeSpace Theme (1.5.1), Slate Theme (

# concrete5 Overrides
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