Mobile Menu Disappeared

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The mobile menus have disappeared both on mobile and when on desktop with small window.
They were working and I can't thin of anything I have done to remove or conceal them.
Please advise.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Michael,

May I ask for a screenshot of the said mobile menu that is missing?

Best regards,
splashby replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments
Hi Neil,
Thank you for your prompt response.
Attached as requested:
First image is from a Chrome browser Desktop(osx) (It is the same in Safari.)
Second from Android phone

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Michael,

We have updated the Ortho Theme to address the issue on the mobile menu. Please update your Ortho Theme to the latest version to fix the issue. Let me know if your are able to update to the latest version of the Ortho Theme without an error.

Best regards,
splashby replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Neil,

Thanks for responding.

I am going to try to do that. Before I do, can you advise about Theme updates - I can't seem to see how to do that in the normal Theme interface. Nt obvious - sorry if I have missed something obvious.

1. Will I need to download the files and upload manually?
2. Is there a way to save my Customisations? or is there a default location that I can 'grab' them and reinstall/reinsert after update.
(I'd like to avoid having to sart from scratch if possible)

datasouth replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Michael,

You can update your Ortho theme by connecting to the community of concreteCMS and from there it will prompt you to update your Ortho theme to the latest version available. And if you want to update your theme manually refer to the link below. Also back up your files before updating.

Link for connecting to community concrete:

Link for manual theme install/update:

Let me know if this helps and when you are able to update the theme successfully without an error.

Best regards,
splashby replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Neil,

I did as you suggested and it works. 😀 (auto update btw - and the customisation seems to have been retained, which was a relief.

I appreciate your timely and detailed responses.

Thank you.

splashby replied on at Permalink Reply
Many Thanlks

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