Fix db.xml

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concrete5 has the very handy "c5:compare-schema" CLI command that can be used to compare the actual database tables and the database tables as defined by the core and the packages.

When running this command with the theme_pixel package installed, here's the output:

$ ./concrete/bin/concrete5 c5:compare-schema
1: ALTER TABLE btWhaleImageSlider CHANGE fullscreen fullscreen TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', CHANGE scroller scroller TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', CHANGE navigation navigation TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', CHANGE pagination pagination TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', CHANGE loopSlider loopSlider TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'
2: ALTER TABLE btWhaleImageSliderEntries CHANGE captionDark captionDark TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0', CHANGE overlayOpacity overlayOpacity DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT '0', CHANGE openLinkInNewWindow openLinkInNewWindow TINYINT(1) DEFAULT '0'

that's caused by wrong definitions in the blocks/whale_image_slider/db.xml file: boolean and float fields can't be marked as unsigned.

So, what about removing <unsigned/> from fields of types "boolean" and "float" ?

Type: Discussion
Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Michele,
Thanks for the heads-up. I fixed that on my master copy and it will be available in next version.

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