Should topic filter Pixel filter work also with blog entries?

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I was trying to filter blog entries listing using topics. Looks like filtering list works with all other custom templates but not with ’Pixel Filter’ or ’Pixel Filter Js’.
Sadly because Pixel Filters are the most stylish and I’d like use those.

Should this work also with Blog entries or does it work only with Portfolio projects like in a demo page:

Type: Ticket
Status: Resolved
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shahroq replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
It is designed to work for the portfolio page, but extending it to work with blog entries shouldn't be so hard. You just need to add required class identifiers to each blog entry, so the filter relates each topic with relevant entries. Check the classes on each <article> tag and it should be obvious how it works. [check attached screenshot]
pedroC5 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you Shahroq, good to hear that this could work also with blogs entries.
I'll jump in to the jungle of codes with your advise.

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