Footer Links (Hover)

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How can I change the hover color for links in the footer without changing the primary color?

The footer of my website has a similar color to my primary color, which is used for links (hover) throughout my website.

I tried using a custom class and custom CSS, but it didn't work:

.footer hover { }.
color: white;

Is there a solution to this?

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: Resolved
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Xanweb replied on at Permalink Reply

Could you please highlight which part of the footer you want to apply the hover to? It would be very helpful if you could provide a screenshot.

Kind Regards,
Xanweb Support Team
ettlin replied on at Permalink Reply 2 Attachments

For example, I want the links to “Impressum” and “Datenschutz” (Legal notice, Privacy Policy) to be white when the cursor hovers over them. As shown in the 2nd screenshot, the hover is in the primary color, which is normally used for link hover effects.
Xanweb replied on at Permalink Reply

You can try this CSS code and let us know it it works for you.

div.ccm-page .rp-footer a:not(.btn):hover {
    color: white !important;

Kind Regards,
Xanweb Support Team
ettlin replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you, that worked! :)

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