Adding banner to other pages

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I have just installed and started using Responsive, when installed it automatically added a banner to the home page, is it possible to add banners to other pages. I have found the Banner attribute and have tried enabling it on other pages but no banner is added.


Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello steve,

The banner is for the home pagetype. To enable the banner on the inner pages, you can change the pagetype of the inner page to home. I hope this made sense.

Let me know if you got more questions. :)

Best regards,
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello steve,

The banner is for the home pagetype. To enable the banner on the inner pages, you can change the pagetype of the inner page to home. I hope this made sense.

Let me know if you got more questions. :)

Best regards,
steve2016 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi James,

Thanks for the quick reply, unfortunately I had tried that with no luck. I think I may have a install issue, I will explain.

Before installing & activating Responsive I had already setup a basic site using 'Cloneamental' when installing Responsive I chose NOT to have it remove my existing data (which is minimal) and NOT install the sample content. Also my home page type was already set to 'right sidebar', when I activated Responsive it kept the 'right sidebar' page type but it also had a banner, which from what you say should not be possible!

I am wondering if I should deactivate Responsive, by activating Cloneamental, uninstall Responsive, then reinstall Responsive but this time choose to have it delete my current data and install the sample content? It would be a minor hassle but I would rather get Responsive working correctly.

What do you think? I am new to concrete but do have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, PHP etc

BTW I have even setup a new test page using the home page type with no pre-existing content, activated banner in the attributes but still no banner visible in edit or publish modes.

Thanks for your help.

c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Steve,

Try using the theme with its own sample content. You should be able to apply the banner area then. But, it should still work even without sample content. I'll try to play around with cloneamental to see if I can re-create your problem.

Yep, active another theme and re-install responsive with sample content. That's the easiest way to do it.

In some cases, especially with new users, where you have a hard time implementing something - I can login to your site and apply what you want to do. So, dont hesitate to let me know when your stuck.

Kind regards,
steve2016 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi James,

I have reinstalled Responsive with the sample content. The install went fine and the default home page has the preinstalled banner, but I am still unable to add a banner to any other page using 'home' page template or any other template. If you are sure this should work then I must be doing something wrong, I create a new page, click on the cog icon, choose composer, name the page, change the template to 'home', set the page location, publish, click cog icon again, choose attributes, scroll down, click on banner, save, then publish.

Anyway for now I must get on with the site so I will put to one side adding a banner to another page, if you figure out what I am doing wrong, or are able to reproduce the problem, I would be happy to have a solution.

BTW I love the theme and everything else seems to work and is pretty straight forward, I have deleted most of the sample pages but kept the documentation page for now as a reference.


c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Steve,

Couldn't replicate the issue on my end. I also believe you are doing it right by what you are saying. Can you PM me the link to your site? I wouldn't mind checking it by logging in if you want me to.

Please let me know if you need help with anything else.

Kind regards,
steve2016 replied on at Permalink Reply

I sent you a PM yesterday with login details.


c5box replied on at Permalink Reply

You're gonna hate me for this. I did a revision of the header a few versions back which messed up some of the pagetypes. The ones I was checking the banners with were untouched versions so no issues were found. I have uploaded version 2.1.8 with the fixed headers. Please update your theme and you should be able to add the banners using the home pagetype.

Again, I apologise.

Kind regards,
steve2016 replied on at Permalink Reply

Excellent, working fine now. Glad you figured out what was happening and equally glad it was not me being dumb:-)

Superb support - thank you.



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