v.1.3.8 Is displays blank customize theme area for

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Love the look of this theme, but it broke with 8.5.4. The theme customize area is completely blank, so you cannot make any theme customizations.

The market page claims it is compatible with anything starting with and is version 8 ready, so it should work.

Type: Ticket
Status: In Progress
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c5box replied on at Permalink Reply

There might be some compatibility issue with my theme and that version of C5.Can you provide me with a screenshot or better yet a temporary login?

I can also give you a refund if thats something you prefer.

Apologies for the late response.

ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here's a screen shot.

I'd really like to NOT have to reimplement this web site. We have an album being released on Friday, and I am booked for the week.

If you cannot fix this now, can you at least tell me where the customizations are stored? I've found the defaults.less file, but the colors in there are definitely NOT the colors I have. When I first bought and installed this theme, the customization was working and I changed it. Even if I could blow away the customizations, I could just edit the defaults.less file directly.
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the screenshot.

Changing the default.less might not work because the your site is now using the cached values from your current customization.

I would suggest you do a hard overwrite of the styles. Try inspecting the site for classes you want to change. lets say you want to change the header background, find the class for that and in the main less file write something like this:

.main-header-class {
 background-color: black;

^ not the proper approach here but should unblock you.

I wonder what changes you made that broke the customization. You can try backing up your site and clear the cache on the c5 dashboard. I hope that would help.

ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't know. I made changes. It was working just fine. Then I upgraded concrete5 and it stopped working.
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Here's the main.less file. Maybe you could work with this and it would help?
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm looking at the main.less file and still not seeing my customizations. I specifically changed the font and socialicon colors. main.less refers to customizations. Where are the customizations stored?
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
Unfortunately customizations are stored server side once you change it. So we need to do overrides to apply it. either by adding !important to the css style or making it really specific.
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
I AM on server side. I have full root on my server. Where does the server store the customizations? Are they in the DB? How do I do overrides?
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
I am happy you have root access. Honestly I dont think I ever went to the DB to change the theme customization. So I couldnt say where it is.

For css override do:

.main-header-class {
 background-color: black !important;
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks. I copied/pasted this into the main.less, but it had no effect. I even cleared the server side cache. :(
c5box replied on at Permalink Reply
No dont copy paste that. thats just a sample css. You need to help me understand what your trying to do and what classes you are applying the css to. Otherwise I cant write the correct CSS for you.

Inspect the element and take a screenshot of the html. then tell me what styles to apply. I hope this made sense.

ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Well now the whole thing is broken. I found a different main.less in application/files/tmp/1583181589/c5box_sidebar/themes/sidebar/css

I copied the main.less to main.less.bak and edited the original. It broke. So I blew away what I did and restored the original. Now it's still broken.

I just needed to be able to change a font color. Sigh.

Any ideas on how to fix this now?
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
I managed to restore from backup. I've lost the changes I made this morning.

I think it would be best if you could just figure out a fix for the customization UI. Hand editing is not a good idea with the convoluted set of files that are there.
ltinnel replied on at Permalink Reply
Well no. It worked ONCE. Now I'm getting errors again.

Restored from full backup. It now seems to be working but lost work. I am thinking I just need to just live with the font color unless you can fix this. After album launch, I'll find a different template.

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