6- or 8-column page-list templates?

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Has anyone else developed more page list templates? I think I'm going to need one with 6 or more columns. I can see how the existing ones were created, so I think I can do it. BUT, I'm sure there's a pitfall I'm not seeing. Just wondering if anyone else has done the same thing and can give me a warning.

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c5mix replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Here's what to do for a six column one:
1. Copy theme_slate/blocks/page_list/templates/four_column and rename the new folder six_column.
2. Then in that view.php change the following lines:
Change line #10 from this:
<div class="ccm-page-list-four-col">

To this:
<div class="ccm-page-list-six-col">

Change line #14 from this:
$is_last = (3 == ($i % 4));

To this:
$is_last = (5 == ($i % 6));

Change line #21 from this:
$e = $i + 4;

To this:
$e = $i + 6;

Change line #24 from this:
<div class="col_3 <?php echo $is_last ? 'omega' : '';?>">

To this:
<div class="col_2 <?php echo $is_last ? 'omega' : '';?>">

I think that should be it. Let me know if that doesnt work.
bjalexander replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect! The only other thing I did was clean up the label in line 37 with:
</div><!-- .col_2 ends -->
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply

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