Changing css styling in a block when set up in column row

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I am using the Designer Content add-on for some products I'd like to feature. According to their documentation I can add div classes around each element. So, when I go back to Slate's main.css to style those classes, they don't show up. I set up 4 columns/4 rows to add these custom blocks to.

Example: <div class="deliverable-photo">
I tried #content .deliverable-photo along with other variations.

I understand this is all my lack of general css knowledge, but I thought I could figure it out. main.css is where I should be styling, right? Is there a specific ID I'm not seeing for rows/columns?


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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
That looks right. But you really dont have to have the #content in there. It might just be that the main.css file is cached in. Try clearing the site cache by going to Dashboard->System & Settings->Clear Cache. Also try clearing your browser cache.
katemac replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for reply! I have tried clearing both concrete5 and my browser cache. Not sure why it's not displaying the new styles. Possibly the "designer content block" itself?

I will keep poking at it.

.deliverable {
   border-left:3px solid #bbb;
.deliverable h2 {
   color: #444648;
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Try creating a view.css file in that block's folder and put that CSS in it.

Can you post a link to a page that has those blocks on it?
katemac replied on at Permalink Reply
That worked! This is my first build with Concrete, so can you briefly explain why that file worked opposed to putting that css in the main.css file?

Here is link: although I am not sure if you will be able to access it.

Thanks again. Your quick responses are very much appreciated.
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like there's something jacked up in your main.css file (an error in your css). If you look at you can see that it gets cut off at the end and doesn't finish loading any more of your styles (and I'm guessing the styles for .deliverable is after that.

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