Changing h1 tag in typography

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I want to change the h1 tag for seo. See:
the copy "An active lifestyle community on Lake Keowee" is now h5.
I need to have the h1 as a header to the paragraph for SEO purposes.
I tried to change the h1 tag in typography to match the h5 attributes but it will not change.
All other h* tags will resize but no luck on changing the h1 tag.

Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
View Replies:
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Try changing the font-size on "#page-meta h1" in the main.css file.
nickntime replied on at Permalink Reply
Didn't seem to work. Do I need to change both main & typography attributes?
If so to what values? Need an equivalent of 14px.
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Try clearing your site cache after changing the file. Go to Dashboard->System & Settings->Clear Cache
nickntime replied on at Permalink Reply
I did that earlier with no results. However, when I did a test on a different page
it worked. (the copy I wished to change resided in a layout ) So... I re typed into
a block not in the layout and moved it into the layout structure and it worked.
Not sure what was happening but the problem is solved.
nickntime replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Chris - any more thoughts on this?
Can you make it work on a Slate site and give me the details on how it was done.
Thks - Gene

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