Customized theme options body font not editable

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Hi there,

I am trying to change the body font size of the Slate theme. I have tried in Themes/Slate/Customize - body. I have also tried changing it via the typography.css file. It seems like something that should be so easy, but it's not working.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Thank you

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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds like you just need to clear your site cache (the old styles are still cached in).
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Chris,

Sorry, I forgot to mention I have cleared my cache and still no luck. When I try to change the font in the Themes/Customize/Slate area, it doesn't save my changes? It always reverts back to 13pt? So not sure why it won't stick to what I choose?
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
It works for me in my demo. Just to make sure you're going to the theme's customization panel, clicking the font icon next to "Body", changing the font/size then clicking Ok in that dialog. Then down at the bottom the page you're clicking "Save" correct? Then clearing the site cache?
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Chris,

I am doing exactly that and it does nothing, I change the font size, click ok, then save, then clear the cache.. What I did notice is that there are 2 body areas in the customization to change the font style/size etc?
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
That's really weird. There should only be one instance of it. Something's wonky with your setup or something. Have you tried changing either one?
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
I have changed both and have changed one at a time and still nothing, it always reverts back to the typography default of 13pt. Would it matter that right now the site is just local on my computer with the MAMP server set up? The site isn't ready so I'm building then going to upload when ready?

I've used this theme on a few other sites and have never run into this?
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you say you edited the theme's typography.css or other css file? If so did you add/duplicate any line that has /* customize_body */ comment on it? There should only be two for the font and color. If there's another one that could be why you have a duplicate on in the Customization panel.
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
Because the Themes/Customization/Slate editing wasn't working, I tried to edit the typography.css file. When that didn't work, I just put it back to default, this is what my file shows:

/* Default font settings */
[body {
/* customize_body */ font: normal normal 14px Helvetica; /* customize_body */
/* customize_body */ color: #666; /* customize_body */
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Well, there shouldn't be the opening/closing [ ] brackets in there
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
haha sorry, I was reading the concrete5 message that says 'Enclose code samples in [code][/code] but I probably did it wrong.

Those brackets aren't in my code.
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
I really don't know what could be causing that. You didn't modify any other css file correct? Did you by any chance add any of the body css to the "Add your own CSS" box in the customization panel? You might want to check the regular forums and see if anyone else has come across this before.

For now though you might just want to add your modified CSS to the "Add your own CSS" box.
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Chris,

Ya, I'm not sure what is going on either. I currently do not have any code in the 'add your css' box. I entered this into it to try:

body {
font: normal normal 14px Helvetica;
color: #666;
And it was successful....

Also weird.... for every customizable portion, there are two boxes to choose from? I'm at a loss to what would cause this?
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
So weird. I'm at a loss too. Did you by any chance copy the css files into /themes/slate?
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahha! Chris, I had made a copy of the main.css and typo.css files in case I messed them up and they were still in main themes/slate folder. That’s why there were duplicate options to customize. I have removed them and now he customization works now.

Thank you!
designsforchange replied on at Permalink Reply
Ahha! Chris, I had made a copy of the main.css and typo.css files incase I messed them up and they were still in main themes/slate folder. That’s why there were duplicate options to customize. I have removed them and now he customization works now.

Thanks for all of your help and sorry to waste your time.

Cheer to Friday!

Natasha Hinsche
Designs for Change

> On Jan 30, 2015, at 7:47 AM, concrete5 Community <> wrote:
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem :) Glad you figured it out!

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