Lightbox eCommerce Stops Working

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Ive just finished customising the Slate theme for my site and installed eCommerce.
While the lightbox works on some of the original demo content of eCommerce installed when I installed the addon, it doesnt work with any products I added. Just wondering if this is still an issue with the Slate theme?


Type: Pre-Sale
Status: In Progress
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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry for the delayed response. I was on vacation last week.

I'm not sure what the issue could be. Can you post a link to the page where this is happening? Have to tried putting in a support ticket with the eCommerce addon?
CheSimpson replied on at Permalink Reply
Ah sorry it works. I thought Id read somewhere it wasnt compatible but I cant seme to find that post in the forum...must be getting my wires crossed.

The secret is to add an 'additional image' on the product from the ecommerce dashboard.

Kind of dumb when there is already a 'thumbnail image', an 'alternative thumbnail' image, and a 'full image'. I would have thought the 'full image' would work but none do unless you pick 'additional' which isnt obvious as it is under a seperate heading to the group of the other three image an afterthought.

I am pretty sure this is how ecommerce works (I dont have any experience with it).

Though the e-commerce page is currently hidden the website is FWIW
c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
No problem :) Glad you got it resolved.

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