member avatars

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I am finally building a site where curating the membership is going to be a big deal, and I'm having no joy at all messing with the public profiles and member avatars. I can't tell if this is a Slate thing or a c5 thing, but I can't find helpful information in the main forums, so I thought I'd ask here.

1. The Members page is not displaying in the top navigation and I can't figure out why. No "don't display in nav" attribute, etc. Doesn't even show up in the site map unless I tell it to display system pages. I've used public profiles once before and I don't remember this behavior. Doesn't mean it's a Slate problem, just trying to give all the information.

2. Can't upload an avatar. Not through the user pages located under Search Users where you just browse to a file, and not from the individual profile page where you have an option to edit/replace your avatar with a Flash uploader. The uploader just doesn't do anything; the file select under Search Users generates an error message that I can't decode, but I'd be happy to paste it up here if that would help.

For the record, the site will pull gravatar images for those members that have them if I select that option with the public profiles enable, but I can't upload an avatar to save my life.....

Many thanks,

Type: Discussion
Status: In Progress
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c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
1. In the theme's header.php file (packages/theme_slate/themes/slate/elements/header.php) where the autonav is hard-coded you need to add this line to the options after the "displaySubPageLevels" line:
$bt->controller->displaySystemPages = true;

2. Not sure about this. Look/post in the general forums.
scrivener replied on at Permalink Reply

Just to double check, adding that line then shows _all_ the system pages, and I then go back and Exclude from Nav the ones I don't want, right?

Already checked the fora for avatar trouble. Nada. Guess we're stuck.

c5mix replied on at Permalink Reply
You're welcome. And yes that's correct.

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